Royal Wedding

Bouquet_1The Human Flower Project speculates on the meaning of the Lily of the Valley and Primroses that made up Camilla’s wedding bouquet.

The Language of Flowers says that lilies of the valley, with both
“deadly poison and healing powers” symbolized not happiness but “making
the right choice.”

Yeah, I watched. Who didn’t? The royal wedding held all the fascination of a car accident. It has been reported that Charles toasted his bride at the reception, saluting her for "enduring what no-one should have to live through".

Huh. At least she lived.

One thought on “Royal Wedding

  1. Dear Pollenatrix,
    Honored to have your royal-ship visit the site!I Hope you are sheathed in green and have a trumpet-vine whip in hand.
    A hoot!


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